Workshop Vienna August 2014
Summer-Training 2014 was enhanced by a three-day workshop in the new training-hall kaiserstrasse 76 with lots of refined basic work and crisscrossed by the tiger…


Wir verfügen über zusätzliche Räume mit Küche und Garten in 1070 Wien, Kaiserstrasse 76 im Innenhof. Der 60m² große neu adaptierte Raum (+ Vorraum, Teeküche, 2 WC) steht zur Vermietung für Seminare, Workshops und (Bewegungs-) Gruppen aller Art zur Verfügung. 2 Flipcharts, große Pinwand, Bestuhlung für bis zu 30 Personen, Tische, Beamer, SoundSystem, W-Lan, vorhanden.
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„Burg Feistritz – Nei Gong and Martial Aspects“ 2014
In may 2014 it was the 5th time in the history of Roy Jenzen´s School, that our annual workshop in a historical, medieval castle in the south of Vienna happened.

Workshop Vienna April 2014
From April 11.-13. 2014 a workshop occurred in Vienna – „Original Qigong-Method“ including the five primal animals and martial aspects.

from March 8.-11. the first portuguese workshop took place in Vila Verde, a small village near Porto. The Topic was „Introduction to the original Qi Gong Method“ including parts of the 5 Primal Animals and basic Bagua Zhang-stepping.